Yukon 1000 Application

Important information

By submitting this Application, you are confirming that all the information provided by you on the Application Form is complete and accurate. We may contact you if we require any further information. If you do not provide this information when requested, we may not be able to process your Application.
If we accept your Application, you will be required to pay a Registration Fee of $500 CAD (which is non-refundable except in very limited circumstances as set out in our Terms and Conditions of Entry). We will then send you our Terms and Conditions of Entry for you to sign and return. You will also be required to provide us with further information including your passport details and emergency contact details.

You must also pay the Race Fee of $3,150 CAD not later than 15th March 2023. You will not be deemed to be accepted onto the Race until:
1) You accept our Terms and Conditions of Entry via DocuSign;
2) You have paid the Registration Fee and the Race Fee; and
3) We confirm that you have been accepted onto the Race.


  • September 2022

    Entries Open

    3rd September 2022 race entries open

  • January 2023

    Successful Entries

    Successful teams notified, registration fee, signed Terms and Conditions due immediately

  • March 2023

    Final Fee

    15th March - final registration fee due

  • July

    Race Day

    July – 14 (SUP) & 15 (Canoe/Kayak)

Race Classes

A class is three vessels or more of the same class.  The classes for 2023 are as follows:

  • C2
  • K2
  • SUP (will begin the race 24 hours ahead of C2/K2 teams)

We will not accept individual paddlers in any vessel type for this race – it is far too dangerous to paddle alone.  Don’t ask us – we will not change our minds no matter how much experience you have.

Race Applications

The Race
The nature of this race makes it truly expeditionary and extreme, therefore we look for people with a general outdoors background and not purely those who have mastered their vessel class. This race is in every way about your individual outdoor confidence and ability to survive and self-rescue, as it is about paddling. Applicants often fail to gain a place on the race due their poor due diligence and integrity; this is sadly why we cut far more people than we select. Please ensure all application information is accurate and true – this is an insurance requirement as well as a vetting tool.

We are looking for
Bushcraft, medical, paddle class experience and a positive attitude go a long way. Experience does not need to be courses and formal qualifications, but bush time and a passion for the outdoors is often obvious in successful application.

Application process
Once you have applied, we will screen applicants and we will email those successful with further guidance. All racer teams will be provided with a detailed racer briefing providing teams with all of the detail required to start conducting your own research and training. We will not provide mapping.

Race changes and rule updates

  • All teams must own a SPOT Gen 3 only tracker (no other devices permitted), and have it registered and set to track every 30 minutes.
  • All team must have the complete required kit list or will be refused entry.
  • All teams must have a ‘satellite phone’ voice capable – users will be tested on setting up and use.
  • No text only devices will be accepted on this race; such as InReach or SPOTX.
  • There will be a cut off at Dawson City that we be made in conjunction with the weather forecast and briefed to the racers at the race pre-brief.
  • The Yukon 1000 Team have the right at any point to refuse a team or race if they feel they are unsafe or their preparation/ stated abilities are in question.
  • The race cut off is 9 Days 5 Hours.

What’s included – further detailed in Terms and Conditions

  1. Field Rescue Cover
  2. Insurance from the point of injury, to the nearest hospital or appropriate medical care
  3. Reach Back Medical Advice 24hrs Operations room with a doctor
  4. 24hrs Race Monitoring and welfare line for families and friends
  5. Social media coverage and photos
  6. Boat pick up and equipment at the end
  7. T-shirts and recognition reward

What’s not included

  1. Boat and equipment hire
  2. Your personal medical insurance.
  3. Your cross-border U.S ESTA/Visa.
  4. A room at the Dalton Motel.
  5. We cannot take any personal belongings to the finish point.


  • XX am


    Racers arrive at Whitehorse

  • XX am

    Race day 0

    SUP briefing AM, local hotel

  • XX am

    Race day 1

    SUPs depart AM (0730), Canoe + Kayak briefing PM, local hotel

  • XX am

    Race day 2

    Canoe + Kayak depart AM (0730) 

  • XX am

    The Race

    Racers have nine days to complete the race

  • XX am


    Race finish at Dalton Highway Bridge .


Register interest

2025 registration open soon

Register interest